IELTS preparation is a long-term process that can last for months and that requires your full commitment. Therefore, it is super-important to know what are its “hidden icebergs” before you dive in.
Here are some typical mistakes you may stumble upon when you prepare for the IELTS test:
Not knowing your starting point. Without a full mock test in the beginning you can’t know what your current score is, how long it may take you to achieve your goal score, and what you should do to achieve it. Just take one of the available mock tests and get a full report of your strengths and weaknesses and some tips and ideas for the future learning. DON’T skip this step!
HERE is my affiliate link to a very affordable mock test service that provides full reports for just 29.99 pounds (you’ll get a 10% discount with our promo code: linguacom)
Trying to “squeeze in” IELTS preparation into an already busy schedule. Depending on your goal, studying for IELTS may require 2-5 hours of your daily work. That's just how long it takes, no “secret” shortcuts, no magic.
Not getting professional feedback for the writing and speaking parts. While the reading and the listening sections can be checked automatically, writing and speaking require a professional human tester who is able to fully evaluate your “task response” and “task achievement”, the logical flow of your answer, as well as your vocabulary and grammar use.
There are many platforms and individual teachers providing such services. In our studio, we offer a “writing marathon” and a “speaking marathon”, in which your answers are checked by a former IELTS examiner. To learn more about this format, click HERE.
Leaving your test registration to the last moment. Making arrangements for the test and booking it in advance will help you organise your studies, and ensure that you do not miss any application deadlines. Click HERE to book your test.
Not having a study plan. Studying without a plan may cause you to spend too much time on certain topics and neglect others. Building a study plan that is tailor-made just for you is something that only a professional teacher can do. However, you may use the existing plans and materials in theThe Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS book and on some platforms, such as BestMyTest, for example. A list of recommended IELTS Youtube channels that also provide some preparation guidelines can be found in another article on THIS page.
If you would like to purchase and individualised study plan, please drop us an email, and we’ll get back to you with a quote.
Good luck with your test and talk to us if you have any further questions!